Marta Garcia Salamanca
“Abattoir” is an architectural dystopia where society is bound by the rules of symmetry and a compulsive obsession with linearity and order. The architecture reflects the psychology of the society, trapping individuals within their own minds while inside these buildings. The only moment of liberation from this confinement occurs when in contact with nature. Therefore, in this city, nature operates freely, disregarding the rules of this universe and following its own.
When the population creates art, it consistently mirrors the obsession with linearity. However, individuals can break free from this constraint if their art represents nature. It serves as a critique of architecture lacking concept and emotions in the development of ideas when designing a building, emphasizing the interplay between nature and architecture.
The entrance to this city and dystopian reality is located at the Matadero de Madrid.
All of this is depicted in this collage using mixed media, hand-drawn elements, and collage.