Alym Aptecar

FINALIST of Himalayan Thermal Bath
Himalayan Thermal Bath
Name: Alym Aptecar B.
Instagram: @alymdesignlab
Nationality: Chilean
Institution / Company: | A – Z | Studio |
Name: Nicolás Zañartu H.
Nationality: Chilean
Institution / Company:) | A – Z | Studio |
“Inside us is what cannot be destroyed or altered, what does not die.”
The Buddhists says that the mind is like a mirror water that reflect the outside world and our emotions, but the consciousness it’s beyond the forms and ego, it’s the deeper bottom of this water, unaltered, it’s what we really are.
We propose an experience to the inner world as a final station of the trek through the outside world.
As a clear idea in a clear mind, we design a pure and simple geometry who is meditating in the middle of the Gosaikunda Lake.
The essence of the Himalayas is to reconnect with yourself, physically, mentally and spiritually and find balance in life’s duality. That’s why we respectfully took this powerful symbol in order to create a dual thermal bath, visible from above but invisible from the level of water.
To access you must get through the slow and narrow underwater level hallway to feel the heart of the mountain involved in stone and humidity. Then, you go up the perimetral ramps to the platform to contemplate the environment from the middle of lake and enjoy the open thermal bath.