Project: Hanoi Ad Hoc 72hr (Re) Modern Dream International Competition
Achievement: Top 6 Finalists & Most Voted Project
Year: 2022
| Hanoi Recollection |
Considered as a socio-economical powerhouse, Hanoi consists of manifold urban factories and respective industrial identity which can be considered as a momentous urban medley. Despite instigated the city’s sprawl, the newly encompassed territories begin to decontextualize the industrial core, turning their legacy into decadent centres and forming ruins in Hanoi. Question arose as how could one safeguard the legacy of such industrial vestige yet navigating the surrounding local community into appreciating its bequest.
This pilot project proposed a new blueprint which cherishes the rendezvous between heritage and nature, urban programme and community, the past and the future through a heritage park framework. Hand-picking the old Cu Gioanh Knitting Factory as the site, the project speculates a future where the secondary school on site is reclaimed by UNESCO which they transformed and initiated a heritage park project, recollecting the surrounding urban heritage traits to conceive various living museum on site. The Hanoi Heritage Park is thus, an urban driver safeguarding not only the past legacies of Hanoi but also the many futures endeavours that aligns with its memory lane.
| Deindustrializing Heritage |
Industrialized typology or remnant are often rigid and conceived as an outdated product of the contemporary city. In response to such typological depiction, the project proposed to deindustrialized the industrial typology, orchestrated through a series of urban gestures from transfiguring, preserving, layering and infilling. Rather than the ambiguous architecture resemblance of Hanoi’s industrial identity, the living museums on-site intend to imitate the Archi-tectonic of the surrounding tube houses – inconspicuously camouflaging the development with its urban fabric, humanizing the proposed blueprint. These living museums are then orientated and proportionated as per the old Cu Gioanh Knitting Factory on site. A heritage trail is then layered to connect such living museums on site – forming the backbone of the heritage park. Ultimately, infilling a network of societal infrastructure to humanized the heritage park.
Being planned systematically to safeguard the legacy of Hanoi’s industrial heritage, it is hope that the design can fully reflect ideal of post-colonial urban identity, sustainability and conservation of the legacy of such industrial vestige.
| Industrial Heritage Park |
The idea ‘Heritage Park’ cements a closer proximity between perpetual and transitory, industry and nature, disregarded heritage and post-colonial local community which benefits the amalgamation and cohesion of urban territory – a venture to embrace the industrial vestige as a facet of identity and collective belonging. The blueprint overlays onto the existing urban fabric to comprehend an inclusive voyage through the different reconstructed remnants of Hanoi’s past.
Through this, these industrial vestiges will then be reconceived as part of the public realms, which in its architecture incorporate oasis and infrastructure, allowing the local community to venture through an infrastructural oasis which consolidate both past and future, garden and industry, material and immateriality. The new Hanoi Heritage Park are anticipated as a common ground to reciprocate and resonate with the extensive context of Hanoi. It shall cultivate a new community that is open to embrace the turbulent shifts of future- be it culturally, environmentally, ecologically or societally.