Victor Alfonso MontaƱez
ArchitectSion – Urban Transformation: The City of the Future

Sion – Urban Transformation: The City of the Future
“The project ‘Sion: City of God’ š was submitted to the iConcept competition by Arch Hive, where it received an Honorable Mention ššš. This proposal stood out among participants for its innovative approach and unique vision for the city of the future. I am thrilled to receive this recognition and look forward to further developing and enhancing this project to positively contribute to modern urbanism and architecture.”
This project was born with the idea of looking beyond the known and seeing urbanism and architecture in a different way, through changes, using creativity and imagination as a driving force to bring forth a different proposal that offers future solutions to how humans could live. That perspective has its origin in its name, Sion, which means “City of God.” In a dialogue at the South American Congress, architect Aravena mentioned that we were purely dependent on gravity, bound by it, and that made us terrestrial beings. It was then that a dormant dream awakened.
Creating foundations for the city of Sion and reimagining urbanism from a concept as simple as flight allows us to question everything known and change the way we view the city. Cities that were conceived in two-dimensional plans would have to be rethought. Through thorough research, I discovered that there is no city with deconstructivist foundations. It was based on these principles and the understanding of designing beyond what is known that this proposal was born. Perhaps you wonder why it had to be so different. The answer is simple: if it resembled what was already known, it would be terrestrial. Therefore, in a challenging exercise, I ventured to explore the realm where the unknown began to take shape and, above all, the foundational concepts of future urbanism. Through a deep and complex study, questioning and drawing from the known, I gave birth to the initial sketches of a city with deconstructivist principles that should not be designed in two dimensions but in three dimensions. This questioned everything known, such as privacy, the way we communicate, our connections, and the speed of this city. It was a beautiful experience of thought and understanding, encompassing many parameters of architecture, which gave rise to the work I present to you now and will continue to advance in the future. It has taught me so much about what I already knew and even about things I was unaware of. I believe it was one of the best ways to look at architecture, to envision the future, and try to provide an answer. I don’t know if this is the path, and I am far from knowing if this will be the future, but what I have learned within this study has enriched my experience in architecture and design. It has shown me that every lesson learned and every stroke made throughout my career was worth it. I present to you Sion, the City of God
It is thanks to them, my family, and my guiding God that I have been able to take these steps. Thank you.Ā Ā
The project includes the challenge of a Flying City, conceived by the architect MontaƱez VĆctor, it is a bold and revolutionary vision that challenges the limits of conventional architecture, and allows a look at urban evolution. His goal is to create a city suspended in the air, where buildings float freely and streets are replaced by interconnected air corridors. An idea based on research, creativity, scientific exploration, in urban paradigms that propose breaking with the idea of a two-dimensional city, addressing the first Deconstructivist city raised in 3 dimensions and houses patterns that sustain this project, as an innovative idea of look at the future The challenge is to be able to show beyond what is known and support it with theoretical foundations that allow architectural design to be seen from another point of view, where creativity and science are the engines of this proposal. The Flying City is inspired by the idea of breaking with the monotony and established patterns of traditional cities. I propose a unique urban experience, where the inhabitants can enjoy an elevated environment and a different perspective. The architectural design is based on light and aerodynamic structures, using innovative materials and cutting-edge technologies to ensure the safety and stability of the suspended city. The project tries to conceive a place of innovation and creativity. Spaces for research centers, advanced technology laboratories and interdisciplinary collaboration areas, among others, are planned. The idea is to encourage the exchange of ideas and the development of pioneering projects that promote the advancement of society. Mobility in the Flying City is based on sustainable and efficient transport systems that surround the city. Public air transport networks are planned, using electric and autonomous vehicles that allow fluid and fast movement in all directions. The use of high-speed trains that run through this city is also promoted, providing a unique and safe experience for the inhabitants of the city. Based on Deconstructivist principles, this proposal tries to explore urbanism and the human habitat approach, investigating the Deconstructivist model and the possible patterns that provide harmony and structure this project in a system that allows the development of a thoughtful and coherent city, keeping an eye on the future and the indistinct possibilities of human habitats that man could create. The project is about creating the city of chaos and giving it order, harmony and a way of life, and structuring each parameter of it to understand the urbanism of chaos, to understand what lies beyond the design of a two-dimensional city. It is an exploration of the future. This project proposes the first Deconstructivist city, in an evolutionary approach to its realization, tries to accommodate the first steps on this new urbanism raised and understand and explore the future paths of Urbanism.
The project tries to show how the Urbanism of the future will be and the problems and benefits that this may have, it represents a futuristic and avant-garde vision of urban life. The project of this city suspended in the air, where architecture, nature and innovation converge to create a unique environment, I am innovative. This project challenges traditional limits and seeks to offer a revolutionary urban experience, in the design of the first projected Deconstructivist city, which inspires future generations and opens up new possibilities in the world of architecture.
There are men who can think about their life and be able to see it at 1 yearothers who can think and project them to 5 or 10but there are those who can look at the worldmuch further, they call those crazyfor being able to see beyond what theireyes can see.
The biggest enemy of architecture is gravity. We depend on it to design, to build, we design, always thinking of it, that makes us terrestrial.
City in the Sky Location: Dubai Surface: p/ 31,400 inhab. Mechanics and technology: Metamaterial, Alternative Energy, Alternating Current Height: 2.3 km from sea level City: Satellite, under Dubai government, free to roam, dynamic status State: United Arab Emirates Name: ŲµŚ¾ŪŁŁ Sion Characteristics: Polycentric city, cradle of the contemporary world, business, residential, religious and commercial center Resources: Alternative Energy Climate: tropical d esert
Professor Alberto Campo Baeza recognizes that the freedom of design is the imprint of a free mind that contemplates an idea and intends to carry it out. We architects sell dreams, but the dreams we sell must be subject to reality, to materiality, to the possible, but it must be understood that the possible is a constant search to create and build, a process where technique and technology lead the way. to design, we have already dreamed of things that seemed to be impossible and we have achieved so many advances thanks to technology, this would not be due to minds that only limited themselves to thinking that the world should stay as it was, Abraham Lincoln said: the search for freedom it is a constant advance, to follow that horizon that moves us to discover it.Imagination is more important than knowledge, what would have happened if Neutron had not watched the apple fall so carefully and wondered why? of so many things, questioning is a big part of this career,They look at deserted or vacant places, and imagine buildings or large structures in them, and being engines of that change characterizes us, being builders of tomorrow as Sartre described us, facing what others still cannot see and giving it Shape is one of our most noticeable feature. Design is linked to reality and the imaginary as described, Sigmund Freud is linked to information that we all drag along with longing, dreaming or imagining has moved the world and man since its origins, questioning those dreams was always the engine, the engine of progress.The Architect Bjarke Ingels declares: there is no design that was not born first in a desire, in an idea, in an illusion that seems impossible, from the smallest to the largest design, it always came from someone who could somehow contemplate it in that imaginary world where so many things are built, not all of them reach materiality, due to lack of effort, it is action that moves man to create, an almost primal instinct of progress and evolution.What a beautiful word, evolution, but how bizarre it would be if it is not accompanied by the people who could see that change. Design and imagination are two words that go hand in hand. The famous designer Enzo Mari used to say that there is no better designer than the one who looks at geometry with the respect of being able to make use of it.
Air mobility has been the subject of various speculations and experiments throughout history. However, at present, technological development has made it possible for vertical takeoff aerial vehicles to become a reality. These advances in transportation technology present a new opportunity to rethink conventional urban planning and its relationship with mobility. A city that flies opens up a range of possibilities that, when implemented, would change the way we conceive life in the city and, therefore, the way we relate to each other and to the space we inhabit.
I have explored how the implementation of a city that flies would change the way of life in the city, the implications for conventional urbanism and the technical and engineering challenges that this would entail. The project that I propose to call this city that flies is an opportunity to transform the way we think and design our cities. The introduction of a new transport technology in a city can have a significant impact on the way life in the city is conceived and, therefore, on its physical and social structure. The implementation of a city that flies represents a leap into a new era in urban transport and can change the way people move and interact with each other. A city that flies not only changes the way people move, but also has implications for the way buildings are designed and built. The possibility of air vehicles moving in any direction can alter the way building facades, window orientation, and building access are viewed. Furthermore, the implementation of a city that flies can change the way public and private spaces are perceived and used, which requires a new way of thinking in urban planning. The technical and engineering challenge of a flying city is considerable. A large amount of energy is required to keep air vehicles in the air, which in turn has implications for sustainability and the cost of the necessary infrastructure. In addition, the safety of air vehicles and the people who move in them is a critical factor to consider. In this project I will address each of these issues and present an overview of how a city that flies could transform urban planning and mobility in the future. I am convinced that a city that flies can be a powerful tool to build more efficient, sustainable and humane cities.
The project I propose is based on the incorporation of vertical takeoff flights in urban transport that causes a radical change in conventional urban planning and in people’s lifestyles. This new form of air transport, which allows mobility in all directions, implies the creation of new rules and urban norms, as well as a reconfiguration of the concept of public and private space. In addition, the airspace becomes the main protagonist of the city, which generates the need to establish routes and traffic regulations that allow the coexistence of the different types of air transport in a safe and efficient manner. The city that I propose is a city that flies, which breaks with the idea of the city focused on horizontality and in which the buildings can be accessed from the six faces that make them up. The traditional conception of windows and doors is transformed to adapt to this new model of the city. The city also allows the creation of new forms of life and work, where mobility becomes a key factor for people’s productivity and quality of life. The accessibility and speed of air transport allow the city to be more efficient and sustainable in terms of time and resources. The incorporation of vertical takeoff flights in urban transport not only represents a technological advance in the field of transport, but also poses a new way of conceiving and designing cities, generating the opportunity to create more inclusive, sustainable and efficient.
The introduction of vertical takeoff flights changes the way we conceptualize the city, since it becomes a three-dimensional space where air mobility is as important as land mobility. It is necessary to establish new rules and regulations for air traffic and flight routes, which take into account the safety and efficiency of air mobility. Also, the implications for urbanism are significant and new. Traditional urban planning is based on the conception of the city as a two-dimensional space, where streets and highways are the main means of transportation. With the introduction of air mobility, new forms of planning must be considered that allow safe and efficient air traffic. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop new technologies and air traffic control systems that allow air mobility throughout the city. In addition, it is necessary to consider how air mobility will be integrated with existing ground mobility, including route interconnection and infrastructure planning.
The social implications are also significant. The introduction of air mobility will change the way people move around the city, which in turn will affect the way buildings and infrastructure are planned and built. New ways of accessing and egressing buildings, and the need for landing and take-off spaces in buildings must be considered. The city as a three-dimensional space will also require a review of existing laws and regulations regarding ownership and use of space. Building regulations will have to be revised to allow the construction of buildings with landing and take-off ports, and new safety regulations for air traffic must be developed. Air mobility will significantly change the way we conceptualize the city and traditional urban planning. It is necessary to develop new air traffic control technologies and systems, as well as review existing laws and regulations to enable safe and efficient air mobility. In addition, new forms of access and egress to buildings and infrastructure must be considered, as well as the interconnection of air and land mobility routes within the city.
A more comprehensive approach to urban planning and architectural design is necessary to adapt to this new form of mobility, which allows the integration of aerial and ground structures, and which can be combined in the same city. The new demands and needs that arise for air transport must be considered, such as the location of heliports, take-off and landing platforms, and the need for adequate space for the movement and operation of air vehicles. In addition, rules and regulations must be established for the construction and operation of these aerial structures, to guarantee their safety and compliance with the necessary technical standards. It is important to note that the design of these structures must be sustainable and friendly to the environment, and that factors such as energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction must be considered. On the other hand, the conception of the city as a three-dimensional space also presents opportunities for the design of more innovative and dynamic public and private spaces, which take full advantage of the new possibilities that are presented. This implies an opening towards new forms of social and economic organization, which allow the creation of shared spaces and greater integration between the different uses and functions of the city. The conception of the city as a three-dimensional space implies a challenge for urban planning and architectural design, but it also presents great opportunities for the creation of a more innovative and dynamic city. A comprehensive and sustainable approach is necessary that allows the integration of air and ground structures, and that guarantees safety and compliance with the necessary technical standards. The new conception of the city as a three-dimensional space implies a reorganization of activities and land uses, as well as the implementation of new regulations and norms that allow the coexistence of flights in urban space and the safety of citizens. Air mobility requires new rules and regulations that regulate its use in urban space, and air traffic control and monitoring systems must be developed to guarantee the safety of citizens. The incorporation of air mobility in the city implies a reorganization of the urban space and the integration of new technologies in urban planning
Definitivamente, el desarrollo de una ciudad voladora tendrĆa importantes implicaciones para la planificaciĆ³n urbana. Uno de los principales retos serĆa la planificaciĆ³n de espacios pĆŗblicos y privados en un entorno tridimensional. Los edificios tendrĆan que diseƱarse para permitir el acceso a vehĆculos voladores, y se necesitarĆa nueva infraestructura para el almacenamiento y mantenimiento de estos vehĆculos. AdemĆ”s, la creaciĆ³n de una ciudad voladora tendrĆa implicaciones sociales y econĆ³micas. Por un lado, podrĆa permitir una mayor movilidad y acceso a servicios y empleos para las personas, lo que podrĆa tener un impacto positivo en la calidad de vida. Por otro lado, podrĆa haber un aumento de la segregaciĆ³n y desigualdad socioeconĆ³mica, ya que los costos y el acceso a los vehĆculos voladores podrĆan ser altos, dejando a algunas personas sin acceso a esta nueva forma de movilidad. TambiĆ©n habrĆa que considerar implicaciones ambientales, ya que los vehĆculos voladores consumirĆan energĆa y emitirĆan emisiones, lo que podrĆa tener un impacto en el medio ambiente y la calidad del aire. La creaciĆ³n de una ciudad asĆ tendrĆa importantes implicaciones para la planificaciĆ³n urbana, la economĆa, la sociedad y el medio ambiente. Es importante abordar estas cuestiones con cautela y considerar cuidadosamente las consecuencias de esta nueva forma de movilidad antes de implementarla a gran escala. SiĆ³n, “Ciudad de Dios”.