Diego Puentes

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POLLINET +, Network of biotopes for pollinators and stingless local bees
Name: Diego Alejandro Puentes Aguilera
Instagram: @Dapatb
Nationality: Colombian
Institution / Company: National University of Colombia – Énfasis proyecto tecnológico
Name: Valentina Valero Camargo
Instagram: @valentina_valero_c
Nationality: Colombian
Institution / Company: National University of Colombia – Énfasis proyecto tecnológicoÂ
Name: Magda SofÃa Jiménez Baquero
Instagram: @magdajimenez_03
Nationality: Colombian
Institution / Company: National University of Colombia – Énfasis proyecto tecnológicoÂ
Name: Juan Mauricio RodrÃguez Rivera
Instagram: @Mauriciorodriguezriv
Nationality: Colombian
Institution / Company: National University of Colombia – Énfasis proyecto tecnológico
Imagine a world where nature takes the lead in restoration, shaping through architecture and landscapes, pollination promotes ecosystem services and symbiotic habitats.
Deforestation and the consequences of human interventions have posed an imminent threat to the territory in the Colombian Pacific coast, within one of the most biodiverse areas in the world, known as Uramba National Park in the Valle del Cauca department. This has impacted both human and non-human populations, including all species inhabiting the mangroves and other ecosystems in the region. POLLI-NET+ aims to create a network of habitats for pollinators in the transition between the mangrove ecosystem and human settlement, consolidating a buffer zone or ecotone to prevent the decay of the mangrove and the fragmentation of natural habitats that have disrupted ecological processes essential for the health of ecosystems. The network encampasses two interventions developed across three scales: landscape , human habitat, and pollinator habitat scale, promoting symbiotic relationships to foster a regenerative economy, an ecosystem restoration alongside native species populations, and a healthy coevolution between humans and non-humans.

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