Daria Zakhvatova
StudentCremstadt VR city

Kollektiv Crèmbach gives a voice to young people in the Munich art scene. Based at the Lenbachhaus it strives to create a democratic museum. Going from this idea, Kollektiv Crèmbach wants to create a space for networks, plurality, and own proprietary creation.
The main idea was to create a virtual city that would contain a large number of functions. The team already had a small virtual space, but it looked empty and used very simple elements. To make work in the virtual world exciting and interesting, it is necessary to create a bright space filled with various objects and atmospheres, where everyone could find a suitable place for themselves, and the team could able to use the space multifunctionally.
At this stage, the city consists of three islands, each of which has its own function (however, each function can be freely interpreted, here we are rather talking about the general atmosphere and actions that are implied on each island). More islands can be added in the future as needed. All the islands are connected on two levels – on the first one there are bridges, and on the second one, there is this long winding road that passes through all the main objects and unites everything into a single system.
Project Team: Zakhvatova Daria, Bingyue Li