深 王

FINALIST of Soundscapes
Soundscapes: Reimagining Festival Spaces
Name: Jonathan Wang
Instagram: j.deep_1029
Nationality: TAIWAN
Institution / Company: SCUT
By the end of 2024, humanity will have consumed all the resources the Earth has produced for the year. Currently, our modern lifestyle demands the equivalent of 1.7 Earths annually to sustain it. When human behavior exerts profound influence over every corner of the planet, it becomes crucial to reconsider our actions and adopt more sustainable practices to preserve the Earth’s fragile ecosystems for future generations.
The gathering of crowds often diminishes collective responsibility due to herd mentality. Conversely, if we can inspire a sense of collective consciousness, interactive art installations could be used to awaken people’s awareness of environmental protection. At Burning Man, despite the rudimentary facilities, the cultivated social patterns exemplify how shared experiences and collective creativity can foster a heightened sense of responsibility toward the community and the environment.
