Denise Trimborn
ArchitectLinear City of the Captive Globe

HM of Re-Draw.07: The Line
Re-Draw.07: The Line
Linear City of the Captive Globe
Name: Miguel Iván Hernández Cobos
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/miguelcobos._?igsh=MWZwbzA0aDhvMjdi
Nationality: Mexico
Name: Denise Trimborn
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/denisetri?igsh=MW1ldmxycGhjbXZ6Yg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Nationality: Germany
Linear City of the Captive Globe
The image functions as a reflection on the capacity of cities to host different visions and functions, integrated in a compact and symbolic environment. The Line is presented here as an isolated and self-sufficient utopia, a city that, like Koolhaas’ captive globe, holds a plurality of ideas in a shared but segmented space. Each section of this linear structure symbolizes a distinct ideology or technology, sheltered in its own core but united to the whole, thus capturing a vision of the future of urban life.
This visual adaptation explores how models of contemporary urbanism can be organized to maximize efficiency and reduce environmental impact, drawing on both Koolhaas’ symbolic organization and the innovative physical structure of The Line.
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