Shape the Space

FINALIST of Soundscapes
Soundscapes: Reimagining Festival Spaces
Shape the Space
Name: Doruk Sivri
Instagram: @doruksivri
Nationality: Turkey
Institution / Company: Individual
At music festivals, the continuous sound eventually becomes an unnoticed totality for the participants. When participants are in a silent space, they become aware of silence and sound and silence are displaced. For this reason, silent spaces begin to redraw the boundaries of space and reconstitute it. In the project, semi-open and closed spaces were first designed to break the continuous sound through acoustic walls. Designed as a flexible circulation space, the structure is surrounded by fog according to the level of sound around it. As the sound increases, the boundaries of the structure become indistinct. When the sound decreases, the structure is revealed with the decrease of the fog, but this time the form of the structure becomes questionable. With the movement of the participants inside, lights turn on on the floor and the fog becomes colorful. The fog, which depends on the movement of the participants and the surrounding sound, offers an experience in which the participants are affected by each other’s actions. In this way, the boundaries and quality of the space can be continuously transformed in a way that appeals to different senses, individually or socially. The open structure allows people to gather around it, to spend time in close proximity and to watch the outside from inside.
