HONOURABLE MENTION of Himalayan Thermal Bath
Himalayan Thermal Bath
Name: Lee Tsz Hei Adrian
Nationality: Hong Kong
Institution / Company: The University of Hong Kong / Hassell Architects
Instagram: @adrianlee_architecture
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adrian-lee-87473a133/
Name: Maria Jones Delgado
Nationality: United Kingdom & Mexico
Institution / Company: The University of Hong Kong
Instagram: @mariafjones
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-jones-delgado-3433a81b5/
Deep in the Himalayan Mountains lies a bath house, both physically and spiritually ensconced within the topography of Gosaikunda lake. It is constructed with materials discovered in the surrounding landscapes – stones, rocks, timber, and its pitched roof celebrates and echoes local Nepali craftsmanship. The bath house aims to be minimal in its visual presence.
Long walls and pathways of changing materials guide you through tactility to a final resting pool. Across seasons and time the walls and roof-scapes change as it is inhabited by local species of animals, flora and fauna. Overtime stones might erode or collapse, softening the initially angular shape of the baths.
The open air changing room is supported by pillars of stone and partitioned by timber beams. Curtains enclose the exterior in fabric for privacy and shelter from the mountain air. The walk to the far main pool is exposed, but by following the path and slowing, one can experience the full majesty of Gosaikunda Lake and the surrounding mountains, before plunging into the baths’ own protective walls of thick stone. The bather may then choose to take the corners of the bath, and perhaps once again find themselves again before the spectacular view.

Jury Comments
“beautiful representation of the proposal”