Ivan Fouquet
Architectadvanced living corridors
WINNER of Form Follows Life
Form Follows Life
advanced living corridors
Name: Ivan FOUQUET
Instagram: fair_archi
Nationality: France
Company: fair (Fabrique d’Architectures Innovantes et Responsables)
Name: Baptiste FRANÇOIS
Instagram: fair_archi
Nationality: France
Company: fair (Fabrique d’Architectures Innovantes et Responsables)
Name: Doyeon CHOI
Instagram: fair_archi
Nationality: South Korea
Company: fair (Fabrique d’Architectures Innovantes et Responsables)
We won’t be able to keep humanity alive by 2080 unless we live in symbioses with Nature. Some scientists are calling for half of the Earth to be reserved for wildlife and biodiversity. We aimed to symbolize this in transforming a disadvantaged neighborhood in Paris’s suburbs. Advanced living corridors now colonize the area, starting as urban acupuncture. These linear transformations primarily address the need for protection against rising temperatures. Rainwater and gray water are treated by phytopurification and directed into infiltration trenches, enhancing daily life by irrigating gardens and attracting wildlife, feeding future riparian forests that will provide shade and coolness to the city. Composting has become a shared topic, feeding productive plantations and reducing waste.
Advanced living corridors are installed by encroaching on the streets, whose narrow, progressively incorporate play areas for children. It also host useful activities such as organic markets of local productions, repair workshops…
By 2080, the neighborhood will be significantly transformed, crisscrossed by planted streams, home to countless species, and alive with activities that reconnect residents with the living earth, natural cycles, and local economy. The area will shed its car-centric, energy-intensive past, embracing a sustainable future filled with mutual aid and shared urban amenities.
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