Modular Mosaic

FINALIST of Nomad Habitats
Nomad Habitats
Modular Mosaic
Name: Elodie Jacquaniello
Instagram: @byebyesupercut
Nationality: France
Institution / Company: Gaia Architecture Sydney
Modular Mosaic is a nomad and fluid habitat that can be transported and assemble in various environments. The different elements fit inside a regular sized container and can easily travel by boat or by truck. The house is made of 7 interlocking wood modules that can connect in different layouts to adapt to the local environment and the problematics that come with it. In an urban situation, the house will take a compact layout due to the lack of space and for the inhabitant’s privacy. However, the modules can also disconnect to immerse the house completely in the nature by reducing the frontier between interior and exterior. For more flexibility, the roof and floor are built on site and will also adapt to the environment with a folding shape and the possibility to hang canvas between modules to preserve the space during hot sunny days. The modules can be extended thanks to specifics furniture (folding bed or table, sliding panels, rotated elements, polycarbonate openings) to create dynamic and flexible spaces. To be more sustainabale and independent, solar panels are installed on the roof and rainwater can be collected in the Hothouse Plant module thanks to the folded roof shape.
