Johan Andrés López
StudentConcrete Alive

FINALIST of Form Follows Life
Form Follows Life
Concrete Alive
Name: Juan Manuel Perez Alaix
Instagram: @juanperezalaix
Nationality: Colombian
Institution / Company: Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Énfasis tecnológico
Name: Daniel Steven Portillo Hernandez
Instagram: @nielll.20
Nationality: Colombian
Institution / Company: Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Énfasis tecnológico
Name: Johan Andres Lopez Mayorga
Instagram: @joul_andrm
Nationality: Colombian
Institution / Company: Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Énfasis tecnológic
Bahia Malaga, on the Colombian Pacific coast, is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, with 5,400 species that represent 17% of the national biodiversity. Juanchaco, a town in this area, faces accessibility challenges due to the dense jungle, which has led its inhabitants to develop domestic crops and a gastronomy based on local products such as fish, coconut, herbs, etc. and agricultural culture of Juanchaco is reflected in the production of Viche, an ancestral drink made from sugar cane juice. Ursula Iguaran, a woman of inexhaustible energy, cultivated the land with the same devotion with which she prepared the stews that filled the house with ancient aromas. With this phrase, Gabriel García Márquez portrays in his book the figure of a woman, who in this case is that of the Raizal woman who preserves this tradition. However, culinary tradition is at risk due to the lack of interest of new generations. Additionally, the construction of a military airstrip has disrupted the local ecosystem. Concrete Alive aims to recondition the track as a biotope that supports urban gardens and mixed crops, seeking to restore the ecological balance and preserve the agricultural tradition of Juanchaco.

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