Shulan Yang

FINALIST of Unfinished Colosseum
Unfinished Colosseum
Nationality: Chinese
Institution / Company: ART FIRST education
My project FOREGATHER intends to rehabilitate the obsolete space of the Colosseum and re-introduce green into the relic center of Rome. The project is composed of four main elements: The FUNNEL, The SPIRAL, The BRIDGE, and The THREAD.
The FUNNEL is a massive hyperboloid space truss supporting all the pathways, which omits extra columns to minimize effect on the Colosseum. The structure works as an urban farm which decreases temperature in summer, and purifis the air. It is also an observational tower with an alternative view of the Colosseum.
The SPIRAL is the pathway for climbing the Funnel for a panorama. It occupies the inner side of the Funnel with farming panels which encourage citizens to visit, use and harvest.
The BRIDGE introduces several entries from surrounding sites into the Colosseum. Tourists, cyclists, runners, children, the disabled are all welcomed to enter the Colosseum without a ticket. It reopens the Colosseum as a continuous inclusive open space.The THREAD is a smaller pathway within the center square of the Colosseum. Designed mainly for children, it offers a playful and educational experience in and out, up and down along the Funnel, absorbing both the heritage, the present and the future.
