Material Mixture
Architecture is a process of material transformation. Material phenomena organize space and experience over time. Emergent experiences bring up new ecologies and living relationships. Experimenting the concrete material phenomena specific properties were discovered. The mixture of sponge and concrete set the research to focus on density and porosity qualities which always depends on the aggregates, on what kind of materials start to mixture. That material decision has profound effects in the ecology having the possibility to stablish new ones.
The experimentation around those ideas were synthetized in 6 brick-type prototypes demonstrating how the composition and the aggregates for cement alter its final properties, aesthetics and ecologies. This unveils new possible relationships with other matters, living matters. The pavilion was the excuse to place the research at the level of human space, which only reminds us of the mixture of life and reality. At the end earth and life have evolved through variations in the mixture of things (atoms, molecules, genes, materials, cultures).