Md. Galib Nur Anan
ArchitectInnovation Hub at the Age of Fourth IR

High tech Parks are constructed in developing countries to mark the transition of agro-industrial economy to informational economy. This project was focused on the central ICT business Zone of Sylhet Hi Tech Park, where several multitenant workspaces were to be constructed. The project focused of some already existing and upcoming factors-
• Augmentation of Work : The percentage of machine share in work is increasing
• Change of Skill : Cognitive skills are more preferred than physical work
• The Rise of Individuals : The constant presence of creative individuals in the market
All of this issues are directing the workforce to become more creative. The project started with studying the demands for individual and collective creative workspace. Creative working space requires multiple levels of personalization. This was achieved through a distributed system that can take information as input from its users and deliver the desired workspace. The masterplan consists of spaces for the IT companies and freelancers, with permanent office spaces as well as spaces that can be personalized with mobile unit workspaces and different arrangement possibilities were explored.