Michalina Pazik

FINALIST of Soundscapes
Soundscapes: Reimagining Festival Spaces
peace.love.unity – modular installation
Name: Michalina Pazik
Instagram: @_80080880_
LinkedIn: michalina-pazik-80080880-
Facebook: michalina.pazik
Nationality: Polish
Institution / Company: Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk
The modules are the basis of the system, thanks to which you can build various installations, the appearance and use of which will vary depending on the amount of space available, the needs of users or the nature of the event. The modules are made of lightweight plastic, which allows them to be easily moved and mounted on metal pipes. The entire installation would be fixed to the ground with a screw foundation. The modules can be used to create arches, gates, tunnels and pavilions, as well as amphitheater-like stages. By elevating the audience higher than the person performing, we reverse the usual pattern that the artist, DJ or singer performs above the audience, which watches them from below. Using the transparency of the modules, I proposed placing led lights in some of them. The lights can change colour and intensity depending on the type and atmosphere of the festival.
The inspiration for this modular system came from the people who create the culture around electronic music, and more specifically the slogan PLUR (Peace, Love, Unity, Respect), where the word „Unity” refers to both the people who make up the community and the modules that create the entire installation.
