Sound of Movements
FINALIST of Soundscapes
Soundscapes: Reimagining Festival Spaces
Sound of Movements
The installation is an immersive fusion of art, music, and technology, designed to engage the sense of hearing and beyond. Suspended throughout the space, interactive hanging wire sensors respond to touch with vibrant color changes while motion sensors convert visitors’ movements into rich, harmonious music. This music is both played in real-time and visually displayed on surrounding screens, creating a captivating audiovisual symphony. The dynamic floor, constructed from kinetic pedestal pavers, reacts to footsteps by changing colors, further enhancing the sensory experience. These pavers also generate energy, supporting the installation’s sustainable design.
A wave-like roof, inspired by the rhythm of music, crowns the venue, subtly echoing the soundscape generated below. This architectural feature also marks the zones of various programs.
At the heart of the installation is a multi-functional central area. When not hosting concerts, this shaded space offers seating and a social hub for visitors to relax and connect. During music events, the kinetic floor transforms into a vibrant stage. By seamlessly integrating movement, sound, and architecture, this installation crafts a unique, evolving soundscape where every touch and step contributes to an ever-changing symphony.
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