NEXUS: The Virtual Horizon

HM of AI Museum
AI Museum
NEXUS: The Virtual Horizon
Name: Oyku Akcin
Instagram: oda.rchitecture
Nationality: Turkish
Institution / Company: New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
Name: Taro Narahara
Nationality: Japanese
Institution / Company: New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)
We envision a transformative museum of the future—a dynamic space where the boundary between observer and creator dissolves, allowing seamless interaction between virtual and real worlds in real time. Powered by advanced, minimally invasive sensing technologies and expansive big data analytics, our thoughts, captured through electroencephalography (EEG), will be directly encoded into the real environment. This process will stimulate our visual cortex with an unparalleled level of precision, transforming our individual thoughts, preferences, biases, and memories into vivid visual representations within the physical world.
These visual constructs, birthed from the interplay of EEG and the visual cortex, will not exist in isolation. Instead, they will resonate with and react to the brainwaves of other visitors, fostering a symbiotic network of shared cerebral activity. This collective cerebral interaction will evolve continuously, giving rise to a living, breathing art form—a collective intelligence that is both experienced communally and perpetually morphing.
Over time, what begins as ephemeral illusions may transform into tangible, occupiable structures through advanced fabrication technologies. These forms, capable of rapid materialization and dematerialization, challenge and expand our understanding of physical and perceptual boundaries, heralding a new era in the fusion of art, architecture, and technology.

Jury Comments
– Provocative idea.
– the overall graphics are powerful and cinematic. will be nice to see the space transition.