Öykü Öngören
ArchitectChromatic Steps

FINALIST of Soundscapes
Soundscapes: Reimagining Festival Spaces
Chromatic Steps
Name: Öykü Öngören
Instagram: oykuongoren
Nationality: Turkish
Institution / Company: Istanbul Technical University
Besides the stages, walls, posters, artworks that people typically engage with at festivals the floor is another element made from various materials such as grass, plastic or concrete. People interact with it by laying down, jumping, walking or running. Chromatic Steps is a design composed of square modules that interconnect to form a festival floor element. Modules includes two layers of different colour water balls that could explode under pressure. When someone walks on it, the first layer of water balls bursts and the second layer may also burst either from the pressure of walking on already exploded modules or by jumping directly on the floor. This results in an art piece that displays two distinct colors as well as a mixed color created by the interaction of both layers. The artwork evolves as festival-goers move and engage, reflecting the flow and energy of the music and environment. The modular system is also adaptable to different spaces and areas.
