Shangyu Su

FINALIST of Re-Draw.07: The Line
Re-Draw.07: The Line
Nationality: CHINA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shangy4042/profilecard/?igsh=N3BrcTl5NGRkZTR2
Nationality: CHINA
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ur.finaldestination/profilecard/?igsh=MWZldjdzdW02dXEzbA==
This collage NEO-VESSEL delves into the concept behind The LINE—a visionary architectural project reimagining high-density urban life through a futuristic lens. Inspired by neon aesthetics and early cyberpunk themes, it connects our contemporary technological aspirations with the futuristic cityscapes once envisioned in the late 20th century. This style reflects a sense of optimism and intrigue about the future, blending a high-tech perspective with timeless urban concepts, bridging the fantasies of past generations with today’s possibilities.
Unlike traditional skyscrapers that emphasize separation by height, The LINE embodies a cohesive vertical community, rich with connectivity and a vibrant, inclusive environment. Spaces unfold continuously within its structure, encouraging openness and reducing class distinctions typically found in multi-story buildings. Through efficient vertical integration, public resources and amenities are distributed equitably across levels, dissolving the divisions between “upper” and “lower” spaces.
Resembling a network of blood vessels, The LINE pulses with human life, connecting diverse spaces across its vertical framework. This architecture, like veins bringing vitality to a desert, injects energy and purpose into an otherwise barren landscape. This circulatory system metaphor underscores how The Line reshapes the built environment and serves as a lifeline to a new urban vision—one that balances growth, connectivity, and sustainability in an unprecedented, positive way.
Jury Comments
– Blade Runner vibe. | Mariela Mezalira