Diego Hendra
ArchitectWhen Line(s) Converge

WINNER of Re-Draw.07: The Line
Re-Draw.07: The Line
When Line(s) Converge
Nationality: INDONESIAN
Institution / Company: TAYLOR’S UNIVERSITY
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archi_mdh?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
Amidst wide criticism and accusations of irresponsible flaunting of money, The Line project was first unveiled in the late 2020s spearheaded by the Saudi Arabian firm NEOM. Despite offering a new way of living, few would choose to move to live there.
And yet, a mere few decades later, facing ecological collapse, critiques of The Line became silent as it stood out to be the perfect shelter against a much more cruel Earth and its climate where living outside became too dangerous especially in the Middle East where the heat and sandstorms reaching unimaginable speeds ravaged much of humanity’s population centres.
A new exodus of humanity has thus begun where hundreds of similar projects around the world were constructed to house the remnants of humanity within the Post-Apocalypse. Alongside developments in Quantum Technology, millions of tons of material are raised effortlessly floating kilometres above the surface. While many Line projects can span for hundreds of kilometres, they eventually converge in close proximity, such as one sight in what used to be Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Such a sight is perhaps a faint reminder of a forgotten time, like converging highway intersections, power lines and other complexities of our old urban centres.
Jury Comments
– Visually impactful design that stimulates the reader’s curiosity. We see very well-constructed details and a grounded conceptual narrative. Expressive strokes and critical perspective are present | Mariela Mezalira