Tanya Haralampieva
ArchitectThe Future- Modular furniture for Kindergarden

What will kindergartens look like in the future?
More accessible, more interesting, more inspiring, more creative, smarter and more functional. Furniture elements in them will be able to be easily replaced if they are damaged and broken.
Inspired by the organic way of building materials and fabrics in nature – the materials are porous. Thus, they provide higher efficiency and usability of the constituent materials. In this way we approach the constituent parts in nature.
The series is a response to children’s creativity, their curiosity, desire to play and socialize with others. Children like bright colors and the interesting volumes. This is in total contrast to the current furniture we see in kindergartens.
On the one hand, the series is a positive response to digital technologies. Through the mass adoption of technologies such as 3D printing, this type of series will become more and more accessible. On the other hand, with the development of technology comes the need to respond to the digital world in order to keep children’s attention. Through the space to intrigue children and make learning easier and play more fun.