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"Emma graduated in 2021 from the National School of Architecture of Clermont-Ferrand (FR). She is an architect, teacher and illustrator with @illutop_studio, which she created a year ago. She works as a freelancer to visually communicate landscape, urban and architectural projects that are building the city of tomorrow. She supports hand-drawing as a way of communicating architecture, alongside or in place of photo-realistic perspectives. She creates illustrations for architectural and landscape agencies, municipalities, parks, and other cultural backgrounds. The work of @illutop_studio also features personal illustrations. Emma wants to be able to talk about architecture and landscape through a variety of medium, and above all to make them accessible to everyone. Architecture is, on the one hand, an elitist discipline and, on the other, an art form accessible to any city walker. @illutop_studio aims to connect these two worlds. The theme of the first collection of personal creations is architecture in contact with dreams, virtual reality and illusions. The illustrations play with gravity: through painting, silkscreen, linocut and fine art prints. Emma has a deep interest in architectural utopias, which she likes to borrow from the worlds of comics, cinema and literature. "

🎓 Education

1️⃣ School

Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand


Master's Degree



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