Dylan Baliski
StudentLimbs to Fins

Dundee has all the precursors to a successful waterfront: a gorgeous view to the water, a historic silhouette to Perth Road, and a rich history in the jute, fishing, and whaling industries. It has become more and more disconnected from the rest of the city due to commercialization. The buildings on the site disregard the heritage around the area and act as an investment rather than a community attribution.
The evolution of the whale species was characterised by the transformation from a land to sea creature. How can we do the same for the people of Dundee? How can we turn limbs to fins and bring the city to the water?
Density is at the forefront of the answer, making the waterfront not just a destination, but also a community of demographics in a social blender.. The horizontal barriers along the esplanade will be broken down, with the landscape swallowing the water mitigating disastrous flooding consequences. Dundee’s industrial past is reflected in the architecture, taking precedent from the tenements nearby. Limbs to Fins will succeed in breaking down the vertical and horizontal barrier as well as animating Dundee’s front page.