Faisal Hossain
ArchitectVertical Research HUB
RESEARCH: The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts, then “expands” the research in the form of discussion and results. If the building is considered as a “vertical research”, the idea is to express its form in those expansions.
It is a research facility where professors, researchers join the building by creating, studying and analyzing subjects or potentials of energy (e.g. solar and wind studies) and how to improve it and harvest it in the best way possible for our environment.
The challenge was to bring the two wings which they represent, researchers and the public, together into a single integrated and collaborative environment. Designing integrated and connected forms together to follow the concept of the building.
The location of the site was Chittagong, Bangladesh. It is situated at the node point of the area. The main idea of the design was to respect the urban fabric because without this consideration the tall, giant tower can be seemed disproportionate to the human eyes and the area. That’s why a stepped podium having double, triple height space, green terrace for outdoor activities was propose. The podium consists of restaurant, multipurpose hall and a training center for educational purpose.
The second consideration was to make a horizontal space at human eye level with planter box, shaded walk way, plaza, ramp for disable to make the space more familiar & acceptable.