Pan Opt Icon
HM of Archi-Hack: Panopticon
Archi-Hack: Panopticon
Pan Opt Icon
Name: Matteo  Deval
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Politecnico di Torino
Name: Stefano  Iacovacci
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Politecnico di Torino
Name: Francesco  Crocchini
Nationality: Italian
Institution / Company: Politecnico di Milano
In a dystopian future, severely compromised by climate change, the Panopticon survives as a ruin barely emerging from the ground, almost as an alien object of Kubrickian memory. Through the exercise of this temporal distance it is possible to imagine this object as theater of processes and workings useful for human subsistence. The proposal is meant to stand as a provocation. Untying the architectural form from its original function and bringing it to the dimension of abandonment operates a kind of paradox: the potential of the architectural layout of the Panopticon is manifested purely in its spatial nature once it remains as a reusable ruin. The emphasis is placed on form autonomy by untying it from any preconception or stigma; in accordance with the Rossian conception of the value inherent in the form itself, divorced from its original function. In a sustainable perspective of resource conservation, even an archetype from the past such as the Panopticon can prove to be a protagonist in the conservation of the heritage, by demonstrating architecture resilience.
Jury Comments
“Great symbolism and discussion about memory, ruins and appreciation of architecture as a historical monument. Careful drawings’ set to represent ideas, the black and white language combines with author’s propose.” -Mariela Mezalira