Lunar Oasis

THE OASIS (Lunar Vernacular Capital)
Lunar Oasis is a Lunar colony designed to be built on the moon in a lunar lava cave. In addition to the Lunar colony it is also equipped with a lunar space elevator that acts as a lander to connect the low lunar orbit with the lunar subsurface colony. It was designed after five years of research in the space domain.
The 5 phases of colonization and building the first settlement
1.PHASE 1 (The infra structure) – The work of Automated Robots only (10 years)
Deploying Solar satellites in orbits surrounding the moon to provide all equipment on Moon surface with continuous source of energy even on dark sides and during the Lunar Nights
Choosing the appropriate lunar cave (Lava Tube Tunnels) protecting the settlement from Space radiation, Solar winds and Micrometeoroids.
Earth’s Moon is rife with huge lava tubes – tunnels formed from the lava flow of volcanic eruptions. The chosen Lunar cave is actually an old volcanic lava tunnel 3.5 billion years old. Located beneath the Marius Hills area
New theoretical work suggests that lunar lava tube are large enough to house cities that may be structurally stable on the Moon.
These features could support future long-term human space exploration on the Moon, offering shelter from cosmic radiation, meteorite impacts and wild swings of lunar day and night temperatures.
Cleaning the Lava tube tunnel using heavy duty robots powered by the solar satellites. Excavation of the Lunar regolith from a crater inside the Lunar cave using excavator mounted on an industrial robot arm adapted to operate in extreme cold, radiation-exposure, and vacuum conditions.
Using the loose layer of crushed rock covering the Moon surface in Additive manufacturing (AM) technology commonly called 3D-Laser printing, will be widely used for creating the settlements on moon using also excavator mounted on an industrial robot arm
The high metallic oxides content from the excavated regolith could offer a sustainable way of producing oxygen and it could also be used as a construction material
The sintering process. By means of heating the regolith by microwaves radial heating will be used in the 3D printing of the Habitat, this process would create solid building elements that could be used for roads, launch pads or habitats., Building parts layer by layer allows the realization of complex shapes, does not create wasted material, and requires low post-processing work.
Extruder mounted on an industrial Kuka robot arm robots should attain 3.5 m per hour, completing an entire sector in a month.
Implanting the Core reactor in the middle of the oasis.
The end of Groundwork done by Autonomous robots
- PHASE 2 (creating a man made self sustained ecosystem
)(2 Years)
Collecting soil rich with Ice then allowing the Ice to evaporate then condensed to collect water out of it thanks to the low pressure which will boil the Ice and turn it into water to be collected in the 6 reservoirs
The 6 reservoirs will act also as Hydroponics medium to grow our food plants without soil by using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown with only their roots exposed to the mineral solution
Oxygen will be collected from Lunar regolith from Iron Oxide, Aluminium Oxide, Titanium Oxide, and Silicon Oxide
The colony will be ready to be a self-sustaining ecosystem to cover all human needs
On Earth, the daily life-support requirements for one person are:
- Oxygen: 1.85 lbs (0.84 kg)
• Drinking water: 2.64 gallons (10 liters)
• Dried food: 3.9 lbs (1.77 kg)
• Water for food: 1.06 gallons (4 liters)
In space however, the water requirements are lower:
- Oxygen: 1.85 lbs (0.84 kg)
• Drinking water: 0.43 gallons (1.6 liters)
• Dried food: 3.9 lbs (1.77 kg)
• Water for food: 0.21 gallons (0.8 liters)
- PHASE 3 (Arrival of Human settlers) (6 Months)
With the arrival of First Scientists and engineers settlers, they will bring with them, pressurised inflatable shelters for astronaut’s habitat inside the lunar 3D printed settlements
After building the 3D printed shelters a second layer of interconnected pressurized inflatables will be expanded inside these shelters to form an air tight interconnected room
Scientist and engineers develop new technologies and discover new materials
- PHASE 4 (Sustaining life and self sufficiency) (20 years)
Private sector Investments for exploring Lunar resources (Like Helium 3) or mining different meteorites.
Establishing a Lunar economy and start of a trade and exchange of commodities with Earth
The Moon become a hub of extra-terrestrial activity
Production of Rocket fuel for Mars Scientific missions and other solar system planets journeys
5.PHASE 5 (The birth of first Extra-terrestrial Human Child on Moon) (50Years)
Creating Lunar culture, Practicing wisdom and religion on Moon, Writing of Lunar history, Establishing a Lunar calendar