Entry for the Car Render Challenge 2022
Car Render Challenge 2022
Traders of Tokyo
Name: Abraham Chintianto
Instagram: @nonprobram @abrahamchnt
Nationality: Indonesia
Competition: Car Render Challenge 2022
Organizer: 3dmodels
It’s been two years since the start of the worldwide pandemic, but the traces still live on and change the way we live today. The narrative of Lockdown-Linked is created in an empathy for our fellow friends and families that up to-this-day, still have to live under strict isolation. This design is aimed to celebrate the persistence of our community, including the traditional sector, in ‘linking’ the ‘lockdown’. Here, I reimagine the very important task of delivering daily goods in the midst of limitations, wrapped in a classic techno-influenced asian culture style.
Development starts by utilizing the chassis of 90s’ Nissan Urvan, cut into half to create space for its storage compartment, while leaving only the driver cabin intact.
Next to it, is the mounting for a 6m-long-reach HIAB crane, with a two-fingered claw that helps distribute the goods, even to very high places. The rear side of the vehicle serves as a storage compartment that stores household needs, ranging from groceries and spices to fuels. Lastly, a small-red-colored temple sits at the rear door as a symbol of good luck and prayers towards the better tomorrow.