
FINALIST of Archi-Hack: Panopticon
Archi-Hack: Panopticon
Name: Gizem + Mersin
Nationality: Turkey
Institution / Company: Gizem Mersin Architecture
The term “GazeSphere” is used to express the fundamental ideas underlying the design, consisting of two main components: “Gaze” and “Sphere.”
Gaze: The design represents the symbolic gaze of the gypsy girl. Eyes symbolize freedom, diversity, and universality. This gaze not only represents freedom for the observed but also for the observer.
Sphere: The design addresses the traditional Panopticon architecture within a sphere. This sphere blurs the boundaries between watching and being watched, symbolizing freedom and equality.
The conceptual design, named “GazeSphere,” questions the traditional Panopticon architecture and incorporates the theme of the Gypsy girl from Zeugma. GazeSphere tackles the architecture of Panopticon, based on continuous observation, and redefines it with a figure capable of looking everywhere. This figure embodies the symbolic gaze of the Gypsy girl in Zeugma, representing freedom, diversity, and universality through its ability to look in all directions. While preserving the central observation tower of the traditional Panopticon, GazeSphere, inspired by the eyes of the Gypsy girl, blurs the boundaries between the observed and the observer. This design celebrates the freedom to look in all directions rather than constant surveillance. In the project, a figure standing in the middle of the Panopticon tower, able to look around, creates a balance between the observed and the observer. GazeSphere is designed to provide equality and freedom between those who watch and those who are watched, offering a creative interpretation to traditional architecture.
Jury Comments
“Excellent narrative through description and drawing that contributes to the ideias comprehension.” -Mariela Mezalira