Daniel Guinness: HM of the Himalayan Thermal Bath

+ Daniel Guinness 🇮🇱
Honourable Mention of the Himalayan Thermal Bath
Portfolio: https://www.non-a.com/members/danielguinness/
1) Could you briefly introduce yourself?
32, Born in Haifa, Israel.
Engaged in Architecture and Landscape Works since 2014. Self employed since August of 2023 and devoted to the preservation of human abilities and craft in creating and constructing everything around us.
2) What inspired you for the Himalayan Thermal Baths?
My goal was to create a built representation of everything already present on the Gosaikunda site; using existing height differences, water as an apparatus, local materials and construction techniques – All combined into one coherent result that is accepted by everyone for its familiarity in its surroundings.
3) Can you describe any particular challenges you faced during the design process and how
you overcame them?
When asked to present a single image, it is necessary to avoid over analysing every decision towards the final outcome. Once you have processed enough information and the general goal is clear, the process of design ends and the process of representation begins.
4) How do you think your educational background or professional experiences influenced your winning design?
I have a background working for a Landscape Architecture Studio. I think it is essential to understand everything related to the natural characteristics of a site, before having the required knowledge to actually suggest building something on it.
5) What advice would you give to students or young professionals looking to excel in architecture competitions?
Spending as little time as possible looking for submissions made by others. There is no trend, no right nor wrong when suggesting a design for an architectural competition. When it comes to competitions – intuition and clarity of thought are key.
6) What are your future aspirations in the field of architecture?
Remembering that you are building for someone else, not yourself.